Why Early stage founders should wear lots of hats!
We at Markoknow organised our First Virtual Meetup Event on May 1, 2021. A day before that, the host of the meeting, Shweta(name changed) could not join due to her Mom having an indoor accident. So her script was narrated by the Founder and the Co host.
While everything was working fine and the entire team joined 1 hr before the Event, The Co Host started the Initial narration of the motto of Markoknow Virtual meetup and there were like 75 people waiting for us to start the event, The Co Host was shocked, the Host wasn’t responding on the stage.
We were backstage connected on a google meet for the team and we realised that the host had some network issues. We were clueless. The audience was there, the Co host has started the event and the host wasn’t there.
Due to covid situation, we were anyway organizing the event with 50% strength. And all the team that was there, no one was the kind of orator who could replace any host, on the spot.
Then, the Founder stepped in and took the Mic. Unprepared, Unscripted, Unaware, Thanks to the rehearsal day, when she narrated the Host’s script.
Now the only challenge was, she never liked to read a hosting script. She was more of a spontaneous person when it comes to hosting. But the Co host was a person who was new to hosting and she would not be able to manage if the Founder goes completely spontaneous. So a mixture of On stage management, Public Speaking skill and other qualities was required and actually done to mark the end of the Event.
The Founder thanked God that she always used to be a part of all the processes and parts of the operations of the startup. Any mis-happening generally majorly falls on the founders’ shoulder. So the more caps they have had the experience of wearing, the more they would be confident to encounter unpredictable circumstances.